Live Simply
Love Generously
Care Deeply
Speak Kindly
& leave the rest to God

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Zealand 2013

For those of you interested in our New Zealand trip we just took, I'm going to update my blog with information and pictures about our trip.  In a nut shell, it was GREAT!  We were gone a total of 15 nights and went to Auckland (north island), and then most of the south island.  On our way home, we also stayed a few nights in Tahiti (but that's at the end of the blog).

The beginning:  Auckland, New Zealand.  We were there only one and a half days.  But that was enough to see Auckland.
 This is a good view of the sky line from the water -
This is taken from our balcony - it looks fake - but, it's real!
and we took it before the cruise ship came in to port.
 The views atop Glen Eden Hill (360 degree views)  Beautiful!
This is a Doggie Doo - you lift the lid (head) and dispose of the doo -

We went out on the America's Cup sailing boat:
This was a working boat - what we're doing is called grinding -

Our hotel is on the right - the Hilton Auckland Hotel -
When we checked in, they warned us that in the morning a cruise ship would be docked right outside our balcony so make sure to close your curtains.  At 6am it pulled up and they weren't kidding - it was right next to our room and it was a massive ship, as you can see.

We enjoyed Auckland, but were looking really forward to our week in the 
South Island with 
Active New Zealand - the tour company that we will be spending 
the next week with.

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